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AERA ETS NSW Workshop Report

The Snowy Mountain Zone and ACT Endurance Riders Association hosted this workshop on the weekend 1st and 2nd July. Thirteen people attended with some having had some involvement with this but most having little or no knowledge. We were fortunate to be able to use the meeting room at Tom’s workplace, as this enabled Tom to link his computer to a large TV screen. The ETS was also able to be set up indoors and use mains power.

Starting at 9.30am on Saturday, Tom McCormack gave us the background and knowledge to setup and manage their own ride setup for AERA Online, have a better understanding of ride day data entry procedures and get a working understanding of the ETS and how it integrates with the ride day data.

The AeraOnline module described the prerequisites required - setting it up, processing refunds and transferring nominations into entries. The advantages of using AeraOnline are accurate planning for vets, catering etc, all entries are prepaid and are automatically transferred into Aeraspace, and all forms are electronically stored so no paperwork is required on the day. Any potential issues (membership, horse and rider age etc) are identified and can be sorted out prior to ride day.

The database processes greatly assist the RO personnel, from the pre-ride nominations (ie various nomination reports, horse and rider changes, etc) to ride day responsibilities. It can run reports very useful to the Chief Steward (such as Ride Setup and Starters Checklist) and the Ride Secretary (checking form completion, pre-ride info is all entered, accurate checkpoint lists, BC forms etc).

Both of these processes were very hands on, from creating our own ride, nominating for a ride and then transferring the nominations to entries.

All this was put to the test on Sunday when we entered a ride that Tom had setup. Tom then took us through the data and physical requirements for ETS setup required for a ride. We then “saddled up” and rode, with various issues happening along the way, such as leaving before due out time, coming in late losing the RFD tag etc. The remote data entry using the Ipad was also demonstrated. This allows the vetting data to be entered into the logbooks at the vet area and replaced back into the logbook box, minimising lost logbooks and leaving the office staff free to do the myriad of other tasks required.

This system does make it much easier for ride organisers, and Tom’s knowledge and relaxed manner gave everyone the information required and a greater sense of confidence in using the system.

The Snowy Mountain Zone Mountain Zone and ACT Endurance Riders Association are anticipating running this workshop again in the New Year. Participant numbers will again be restricted as even with Kim Stephens assisting Tom with the ride database module, he was in demand. We sincerely thank Tom McCormack for his help and patience and the NSWERA SMC for their support and providing lunch and teas. All the participants were very grateful for the workshop and Tom’s support. We thank them for their interest and support of our sport and making out workshop a success!



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